Warren County Emergency Management

Agency Mission, Vision and Intent

Agency Mission

Warren County Emergency Services coordinates and prepares for county-wide all-hazards disaster planning, community education, warning, training, grant funding, response and recovery efforts in order to prepare and protect the citizens of Warren County before, during and after natural and man-made disasters.

Agency Vision

To establish Warren County Emergency Services as the center of excellence and influence within the county for all Emergency Management and Homeland Security programs and requirements.

Director’s Intent

We will continue enhancement of public warning systems and Emergency Operations Center activities, and take a holistic approach to planning, training and exercise preparedness for response to all-hazards and disasters.

We understand that analysis of threats and risk and identifying our capabilities drive the structure, training, and operations and not the other way around.

We will analyze the threats, risk, and capabilities and define the way ahead holistically and inclusively with our jurisdictional partners. Understanding performance requirements in order to build and coordinate the county’s capabilities is intrinsic in meeting 21st century challenges.

We owe it to the citizens of Warren County to bring dedication, drive and a sense of urgency to these goals.