Low-cost public transportation for anyone in Warren County regardless of age or income.
Rides are based on availability only.
Service is provided Monday through Friday 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM based on availability.
Regular Fare: $3.00 one-way trip
Discounted Fare for Children through age 12, Elderly, or Disabled: $1.50 one-way trip
For elderly or disabled persons, to be eligible for reduced fares, passengers must complete an E&D application and provide documentation that they are over 65 or have a disability.
Click here to complete the application on-line.
Click here to print the application and mail/fax in.
Exact change may be given to the bus driver, or tickets may be purchased ahead of time:
- Click “Purchase Tickets Online” to pay with credit card, or
- Send check to Warren County Transit, 406 Justice Drive, Lebanon, OH 45036

Tickets will be mailed to you.