Warren County Court of Common Pleas

Access and Fairness Survey

Please use this Online feedback form to communicate concerns or compliments for the General Division of the Warren County Court of Common Pleas.

We want to provide the best possible service to the public. Tell us about your overall experience at the courthouse, what we did well and what we could improve. Your response will remain anonymous, unless you request contact. Thank you.

Section I: Access to the Court

Courthouse Experience Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Not Applicable
Finding the courthouse was easy.
The forms I needed were clear and easy to understand.
I felt safe in the courthouse.
The court makes reasonable efforts to remove physical & language barriers to service.
I was able to get my court business done in a reasonable amount of time.
Court staff paid attention to my needs.
I was treated with courtesy and respect.
I easily found the courtroom or office I needed.
The court's website was useful.
The court's hours of operation made it easy for me to do my business.

Section II: Fairness

Fairness Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Not Applicable
The way my case was handled was fair.
The judge listened to my side of the story before he or she made a decision.
The judge had the information necessary to make good decisions about my case.
I was treated the same as everyone else.
As I leave the court, I know what to do next about my case.

Section III: Background Information

What did you do at the court today?
(Check all that apply)

How often are you typically in this courthouse?
(Choose the closest estimate)

What is your gender?